BMH Donation + Gift Card Sale

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BMH Donation + Gift Card Sale

from $25.00

Purchasing this gift card helps support our community’s healthcare workers as well as a small business owner.

This gift card never expires.


Within the current Covid-19 crisis, I struggle as a business owner not being able to currently shoot sessions. As a Registered Nurse, I feel anxious and nervous about the upcoming expected rise in Coronavirus cases. I have been trying to brainstorm how to move forward. I have decided to sell gift cards with an added donation bonus included. I will be selling $25, $50, $75, and $100 gift cards- 20% of the amount paid will go directly towards a Butler Memorial Hospital donation. You receive a gift card for the full amount you paid good towards a future session or even your wedding.

  • $25 purchase= $25 gift card for you and $5 headband to hold surgical mask for BMH staff.

  • $50 purchase = $50 gift card for you and $10 BMH food donation for staff currently working.

  • $75 purchase = $75 gift card for you and $10 BMH food donation and a $5 headband to hold surgical mask.

  • $100 purchase= $100 gift card and $15 BMH food donation for staff currently working and a $5 headband to hold a surgical mask.

The masks will be given away lottery style to ensure a fair chance to anyone that needs one within BMH as Erin is working hard to make these. Erin is currently selling these individually at $6 a piece and $1 shipping but is graciously making these at $5 a piece for this gift card sale. Please see her page: Burlap Prints and More by Erin on Facebook!